Monthly Archives: February 2017

“The Neverending Story”

The J: Great childhood movie

We already talked about how we had to stack our wood, move it and stack again, but as the title would imply, that was not the end of the story. Though like all stories I tell there is a long detour and who really knows if I will even get around to the story I was trying to tell by the time all is said and done. The gift of storytelling was never really a strong suite of mine, an entertaining yarn perhaps but gifted storytelling, no.

The untold story of the wood stack is what one puts the wood into… a wood stove. Shocker I know, but the wood stove in and of itself is a nice little anecdote. We started asking about getting a wood stove in August because our apartment did not have one and it was agreed upon it would. We went around looking at stoves including in Macedonia and found some we liked. We wanted one that was good at keeping heat and had the possibility to cook something on it. Continue reading “The Neverending Story”